Compare cheap car insurance quotes

We do the hard work for you, comparing deals from the biggest providers in France so you can get the right cover and save hundreds of euros on your premiums. Not even considering the cost and stress that may add up should you choose an insurance agent that doesn't understand where you are coming from!

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Why compare car insurance quotes with Fab French Insurance ?

Our mission is to make it as simple as Frenchly possible to find cheap car insurance quotes, so you can get off to a flying start on French roads.

What do you need to get a quote ?

  • Details of the car

    The vehicle's registration number if you know it. If not, the make and model is fine. We'll also need the car's age and any specifics you may want us to be aware of.

  • What you'll use the car for

    Social, commuting or business, and how many miles/kilometers you'll do in a year. You'll also need to say where you'll park the car at night for security.

  • Your details and your licence

    Including your job, age and your address - the same for any additional drivers you may have. We'll also need to know what type of license you have, how long you've had it, your claims and driving history.

  • Insurance history discount

    Details of your insurance history (like the no-claims discount in the UK for example) to help lower the prices you get.

Fabien - Fab French Insurance

Our expert says

It's tempting to insure a vehicle with your bank or through the dealership but doing so could mean you end up paying more for your car insurance as they may not have converted your foreign insurance history into the maximum equivalent you could have had in France. Make sure to compare car insurance options with specialised english speaking brokers to save both time and efforts. Don't forget, choosing fully comprehensive cover and paying annually can bring costs down as well.

Fabien Pelissier, Head of Fab French Insurance

We're 100% independent, working only for our customers

Unlike some of our competitors, Fab French Insurance is not owned by an insurance company (not even fractionally).

We combine independence, so we can negotiate the best prices, with excellent customer service, to find the best value products and services.

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How can I get cheaper car insurance?

Here are some things you can try to bring down the cost of your car insurance policy.

  • 1.

    Convert your insurance history

    France works a bit differently from most countries. French insurers look at the claims made in the past 36 months and all claims matter (even the non responsible ones or some window damage). The more history you can provide the better the discount and the cheaper the premium.

  • 2.

    Build a no-claims discount

    If you can avoid making claims for smaller things by paying for the repairs you’ll get more discount more quickly. And don’t forget, the plate goes clean every 36 months without a claim in France so try to factor it in to optimise your insurance premiums.

  • 3.

    Avoid courtesy vehicles

    Most insurance companies have agreements with local garages which help prevent you from paying upfront and most of the include also includes the cover for a courtesy vehicle for free. This way you can play smart and save the cover for a courtesy vehicle on your policy and aim for partner garages in case of a claim.

  • 4.

    Remember you can change policy whenever you want

    The renewal date is probably the worst time to consider a change in France. Once your policy is more than 12 months old you can actually change whenever you want with a full refund (and without any penalty)!

  • 5.

    Pay annually

    Paying an annual lump sum for your car insurance policy may seem like a big initial outlay, but it would cost less overall than if you were to pay on instalments.

  • 6.

    Limited mileage policy

    If you drive 8000km per year or less odds are high that you could save some money with a limited mileage policy. Make sure you check this out.

pie chart

What else affects your car insurance premiums?

Insurers consider lots of things when they work out how risky you might be. Obviously, the more of a risk you pose, the higher the price of your car insurance will be. French insurance premiums are mostly influenced by:

  • Your location: Some postcodes may have higher rates of theft or claims than others. Those living in Paris, for example, pay on average 30% more than those in French Britany.

  • Your job: Insurers might see some jobs as higher risks. Especially if your job involves driving a lot or around dangerous machinery. Being retired usually is the lowest risk from an insurer’s perspective, so you see, aging isn’t all bad!

  • Your mileage: The longer you spend on the road, the more likely you are to be involved in an accident. If you drive infrequently, you could save money with a limited or low mileage cover.

  • Your car make and model: Cars in higher insurance groups usually cost more to cover. In France the residual value of a vehicle doesn’t matter as the insurance premium is based on the new value of a vehicle so even that old Porsche is going to be dreadful to insure in France.

  • Your car storage and security: Garages, driveways and car ports generally reduce the risk of theft, vandalism or even hail storm’s damage.

  • Your driving history: This includes potential driving convictions as well as any claims you’ve made on car insurance policies in the past. And remember that in France we can’t protect the discount so all claims matter.

What's covered

Whether it's a fender bender or total loss, our team is ready to help!

  • accident

    If you're in a car crash

    We'll cover, or recover, the cost to repair the damage.

  • flat tire

    If you're stalled on the highway

    We include roadside assistance for tows and it's often home start.

  • weather damage

    If the unexpected happens

    We'll cover damage from fires, weather, vandalism, and more.

  • window break

    If your glass is damaged

    We'll cover repairs for windshield repairs or replacement.

  • justice hammer

    If you're sued for liability

    We'll help cover the costs induced.

  • thief

    If your car is stolen

    We'll cover the cost to replace it with an equivalent model.


We do the hard work for you, companing deals from the biggest providers in France so you can get the right cover, save up on your premium and have it all explained in English.

  • Can I convert my foreign insurance history?

    Most of the time the answer is yes. If you can provide documentation in English or officially translated into French then yes. French insurers are a bit picky as to the kind of documentation they expect but there is always a way to convert your insurance history into its French equivalent. Pro tip => The maximum discount is provided if you can prove 13+ years without a claim.

  • What driving license is accepted?

    This is one of those topics where the law differs from the commercial acceptance of French insurers. French insurers basically only accept licenses that are permanent in France or equivalent (on 10+ years renewal for example). Temporarily accepted licenses are very tricky to use in France (international license, foreign license from a state without driving agreements with France, etc.).

    British licenses are accepted as long as the initial test was done prior to Brexit. Any license with the EU flag on it would be accepted and for international licenses or non EU licenses (including Swiss licenses for example) you would need to get an EU license eventually to be able to enjoy a "regular" French insurance policy.