
Fab is proud to announce that we're hosting our first Live Q&A Session, which will (hopefully) answer all your questions about moving or relocating to France, or just getting past that 90-day limitation!

This time, Fabien from Fab Expat Services will be answering all of your questions, and he will be assisted by Nannie, who relocated from Georgia in 2002, and Marianne from Fab French Insurance. We will host a live Q&A session on March 14th. You can ask any questions you have in mind, knowing that we'll try to keep the focus on topics such as relocating to France, paperwork, visas, residency permits, and everything related to living in France or the French lifestyle.

The live Q&A session will start on Thursday the 14th of March at 18:00 LONDON/19:00 PARIS/10:00 AM SAN FRANCISCO/13:00 NEW-YORK and will last for 60 minutes. Register here.

Spaces are limited, so please register and submit your questions as soon as possible to secure your spot and ensure your questions are addressed during the session.